ENDietS - European Network for Dietetic Students

ENDietS - European Network for Dietetic Students

ENDiet S is addressed to every dietetic student in the world and as there is no member fee everyone can be part of it. The student network is internationally focused and clearly embedded within the EFAD.
An introduction to the network can be found in attachment.

We would like to invite each student to be a part of ENDietS, simply by completing the member registration here: http://www.efad.org/survey/index.php?sid=47181&lang=en 

Further information
- An introduction video can be found on the EFAD-ENDietS website: http://www.efad.org/everyone/4622/5/0/32 

- ENDiets is also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ENDietS/ 

- Reach us by email: ENDietS@efad.org 

We are convinced that dietetic students will benefit from being a member of ENDietS!

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